Travelling Maggie

My mom says I'm like a hobo.....shes kinda right. These are my adventures as a hobo in NZ!

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Location: New Zealand

Friday, February 22, 2008

waving good bye on a high

There’s some big news on this side of the world; I won’t be living here for much longer. Crazy enough, I have decided to come back home. I know what your all thinking “ What the heck, her last update was about everything that she loved there I didn’t think she was ever coming back.” Well despite the love that I have for this place, God has showed me that the time has come to move on. There has been lots of thought and even more prayer over this and it is pretty evident that leaving is the right thing. I would love to share with yall all the reasons why but it’s a bit hard to explain, but I’ll do my best.

a)     Job- I love my job but its not equipping me in any way. There are certain things that I want to pursue in life and up to this point my job has been fun but its not helping me get any closer to those dreams.

b)    Seasons- the winter season is coming up and I just don’t have much of an interest in staying here for it. This town turns into one huge non-stop party and it’s really cold. And unless I got another job at one of the ski fields it wouldn’t be worth staying.

c)     Spiritual- I love my church! But I feel like I am not growing at all and all the church is doing is doing is giving me little lifts to get through. I am defiantly not flourishing at all here.

There are many other things but that’s the summary. As for what I am going to do when I get back. I am still sorting it out. The only thing I know right now is that I will be spending a week in Seattle with Natalie and then coming back to Texas. I am most likely going to be spending the first week in April in Denton. Beyond that I don’t know too much. I have a few different options that I am thinking through.

SO there it is. I would love to talk to yall more about it but sadly enough I couldn’t call each of you. Please please call me if you want a chat though (281-940-1564) or just send me an e-mail! I miss yall but I will get to see you soon!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard this rumor, and can i say that whoever it was who told me about you coming back ( i really can't remember who it was for some reason) was beyond ecstatic. i wish i could recreate it for you, but it doesn't work that well on typed words. so i hope you know that the people here have been waiting a long time for this moment.

February 26, 2008 at 4:21 AM  

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